Alyssa Nicoll

Alyssa Nicoll


Web Developer, WeaveUp

United States

Giving Bootstrap the Boot

11:30 am

Sure, bootstrap styles are all well and good. Actually, they’re great. Right up until you need to override something. At that point, you usually start preparing to sacrifice your firstborn child in order to get everything working how you want it to. There is nothing to fear and everything to gain by writing your own styles… from scratch! That’s right, there is more than just Angular to a complete and whole application.

You’ll learn:
  • ‍Okay, I’ve got the functionality, now what do I do?
  • Why can’t I just use bootstrap and ship it?
  • Will Alyssa ever tell me how to CSS without bootstrap?!

I am an energetic, über passionate GDE and Web Dev. I have some Front-End and Angular courses on Code School. I love to learn new things and share them with others. I Scuba Dive and have a toothless dog named ‘Gummy’.